Can you relate?

Do you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing at work and worry that others are about to find out?

Are you frustrated at feeling so little confidence at work when you always did well in school?

Do you chalk up your accomplishments up to luck or being in the right place at the right time?

Do you avoid trying something new unless you’re positive you’ll be good at it?

Are you hesitant to apply to that dream job because you don’t meet every requirement?

It doesn't have to be this way.

Beat Imposter Syndrome: Strategies for Career Confidence is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program to stop imposter syndrome from holding you back so you can be more confident at work (and in life!).

We can do better than "Fake it till you make it"

Challenges with career confidence disproportionately affect high achievers--especially women, and can have a serious impact on your career trajectory and job satisfaction. But advice like “don’t worry” or “fake it till you make it” just doesn’t resonate with high achievers used to leveraging research and mastering skills to solve problems.

It doesn't do anything to help you understand how imposter syndrome shows up for you, where it comes from, the true impact it's having on your life, or how to overcome it--both in the moment, and over the length of your career.

This course is different

In Beat Imposter Syndrome: Strategies for Career Confidence, you'll learn how to implement the four-part Career Confidence Framework combining actionable strategies with deep self-awareness to build long term career confidence and set you up for a lifetime of success

Hi, I’m Caroline!

I'm on a mission to help young professionals get unstuck, increase their career confidence, and build a life they don't need a vacation from.

I struggled with Imposter Syndrome for years. I had always done well in school, but when I got to my first post-college job, I felt completely lost and constantly stressed out. I was sick of feeling like I had no idea what I was doing--and that I was always moments away from being fired.

I've spent nearly 15 years helping students and alumni of top universities manage imposter syndrome and increase their confidence at work. I've pulled together my best strategies from the hundreds of workshops and classroom courses I've taught over the years to create this course. I hope you'll join us.

You deserve to feel confident at work.

Choose a Pricing Option

Module 1: The Career Confidence Framework

In Module 1, we’ll get an overview of the Four Part Career Confidence Framework, dig into how to make the most of this course, understand why Imposter Syndrome is such a challenge for high achievers, and explore the foundation necessary for building long-lasting career confidence.

We'll cover:

  • What Imposter Syndrome does (and doesn't) look like
  • The crucial mindset shift essential for career confidence
  • How a fear of success (not just a fear of failure) can hold you back

Module 2: Self Awareness, Part 1

In Module 2, we’ll get a really solid understanding of what your case of Imposter Syndrome looks like, where it comes from, and how it is negatively affecting your life.

We'll cover:

  • Where Imposter Syndrome comes from
  • How it shows up for you
  • The impact of Imposter Syndrome

Module 3: Self Awareness, Part 2

In Module 3, we’ll focus on getting a detailed and accurate understanding of your skills and strengths, so that your feelings can be rooted in data, not fear. 

We'll cover:

  • Your skills, strengths, and unique contributions
  • Leveraging your strengths in the workplace

Module 4: Short Term Mitigation Strategies

In Module 4, we’ll focus on short term mitigation strategies that you can use in the moment to reduce the impact of acute attacks of imposter syndrome and get you back on track ASAP.

We'll cover:

  • The science of Imposter Syndrome flare-ups
  • Strategies for immediate confidence

Module 5: Long Term Confidence Building

In Module 5, we’ll cover long-term confidence building strategies so that you can control what you want to get out of your career, rather than feeling like you’re constantly treading water.

We'll cover:

  • Increasing confidence over time
  • Leveraging confidence for long-term career success

Module 6: Community Building

In Module 6, we’ll discuss the fourth pillar of the Career Confidence Framework: Community Building, and how intentionally supporting your community will help increase your own confidence.

We'll cover:

  • Leveraging others to increase your confidence
  • How supporting others can make you feel more confident

Module 7: Success for the Long Term

In this module, we’ll cover setting yourself up for long-term success and how to manage setbacks (hint: they’re totally normal!).

We'll cover:

  • The strategy of long-term career confidence
  • Navigating setbacks

The course includes:

Seven Modules
Seven Modules

Seven modules (with 27 video lessons total) take you step-by-step through the Career Confidence Framework. Complete transcripts and worksheets accompany each lesson.

Printed Workbook Shipped
Directly to You

This 128 page workbook includes complete transcripts and worksheets for each lesson — to make it extra-easy to follow along and apply the strategies.

The Ultimate Career Confidence Cheat Sheet

A printed, laminated guide showcasing the 28+ strategies and tactics for beating Imposter Syndrome covered in this course — perfect for keeping at work for easy reference whenever you need it!

Is this course right for me?

This course is for you if:

You've ever had the sinking feeling that you're treading water and are moments away from being "found out."

You feel frustrated that you have so little confidence at work when you always did well in school.

You feel like your current success is "just because people like me."

Imposter Syndrome is a serious problem that can have a dramatic impact on your happiness at work--and your long-term career trajectory. You owe it to yourself to learn--and implement--the actionable strategies from this course in order to stop the damage imposter syndrome is doing to your career and happiness--and set you up for long-term success.